
Lumina Datamatics
Lumina Datamatics is a trusted partner in providing Content Services, eCommerce Support Services, and Technology Solutions to several global companies in the Publishing and eCommerce industries worldwide.


    July 21, 2017

    As with many other industries, publishing has experienced profound and unsettling changes in the wake of the digital revolution. There have been times when many have considered the possibility that the book may not have a future at all, as the world becomes dominated by the internet. Over the past few years, education has been transformed and digital formats are being embraced across the board. Learning has gone much further, with the advent of interactive educational games, online portals, and mixed media courses.

    As ad revenues are plummeting, the publishing industries are facing a quality and quantity issue and now generate less revenue per visitor than they used to. In a crunch to grow ad sales, publishers accept any and every deal that comes their way as long as it means they could earn more money per page view. The sought-after page view is no longer the sole success metric for publishers. To diversify the advertising-dependent revenue portfolios and offer consumers new ways to support content, the use of adblockers and new monetization strategies have to be implemented. Increasing publishing frequency, even while maintaining an edition-based model, can increase consumer engagement and open up new advertising opportunities.

    Publishers are being forced to make radical adjustments to their business models. In order to overcome its quality issue, digital publishing needs to work closely with brands and businesses to develop content strategy that will be useful. There has been an unpredictable traffic source, even though it has become easier than ever to generate innumerous amounts of visits, without a moment’s notice. There is strong potential to retain and grow audiences and engagement by creating on-platform experiences.

    Digital publishers must work hard on converting content into multiple formats, earn more reader trust and engage them and adapt to ever-changing media consumption habits.  Publishers working hard to engage their audience through multiple channels, limiting heavy reliance on single-traffic-source strategies ensure they generate a captive and returning audience through mediums such as email.

    The biggest challenge for digital publishers this year is investing in and innovating on virtual reality. This new delivery platform facilitates the ability to make longer and more thoughtful pieces. Developing diverse and new revenue streams by securely distributing content is a challenge that will require organizations to get serious about rebuilding its value proposition. The growing powers of social platforms are making deals with larger publishers.

    There is large certainty about the digital market for content than there was a decade ago. While many digital publishers are facing a number of potential pitfalls going forward, it is a challenge to reconcile our own business strategies with quickly changing and complicated technologies. The advent of the Internet and mobile technology has greatly revolutionized a formerly traditional industry, evolving into something unique.

    Image Credit: Freepik/Pexels


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