We help create eBooks to meet the fast-growing demand from publishers as technology changes rapidly and as the need to scale up conversion services intensifies. Our services cover the entire tablet and e-reader spectrum for devices like iPad, Kindle, Nook, and Galaxy Note, among others.



We offer independent quality assurance services in addition to conversion services, where we act as an extended quality assurance arm of the client. Under this service category, a separate quality team checks the eBook files—irrespective of whether produced by us or any other supplier of the client based on standard quality parameters—and reports any errors found.



We provide full-service interactive content creation services for a diverse set of needs including storyboarding, needs analysis, instructional design, scripting, production, and proofreading. We also develop content-rich, engaging eBooks that embed multimedia resources by repurposing existing core and ancillary print content with client-specified online platforms and web-based portals.

Mobile Apps We offer end-to-end app design, development, and deployment services across all mobile platforms.

Animation Our experienced creative team offers superior animation techniques to produce vibrant, eye-catching, engaging projects that are on time and budget.

Interactive Whiteboards Our highly engaging and interactive whiteboard content applications integrate flash, audio, and video components to effectively leverage the power of whiteboards as a collaborative learning tool. Our expertise in product development across multiple disciplines gives us a competitive edge in designing integrated learning systems that are content-driven and serve identified learning objectives. We develop applications for all whiteboard brands, including Smart and Promethean.


Case Study

How ePub and Mobi Conversions Helped to Take Content Online Faster

How ePub and Mobi Conversions Helped to Take Content Online Faster

How eBooks Were Made Interactive on Digital Devices

How eBooks Were Made Interactive on Digital Devices

How Video Optimization Boosted the Subscriptions of a TV News Channel

How Video Optimization Boosted the Subscriptions of a TV News Channel

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