
XEditPro is a cloud-based publishing solution that provides smooth publishing workflows while meeting the ever-changing needs of consumers. It is an innovative platform based on intelligent automation that upgrades and enhances the quality of books and journal publishing and empowers users through evolution. XEditPro provides structured WYSIWYG authoring tools, a collaborative environment, reference management capabilities, custom publisher-based workflows, digital asset management, auto-generation capabilities, and more.

It’s the only productivity solution that combines the power of the typography capabilities of LaTeX and InDesign with the ease of use of a WYSIWYG editing interface. XEditPro meets modern publishing needs without adding complexity or impacting end-user performance. XEditPro utilizes a combination of AI-powered automated publishing tools, natural language processing (NLP), and intelligent workflows to reduce human intervention and provide significant cost and time savings.



• Project Dashboard with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to indicate status at the project/stage/chapter level for all projects
• Role-based access with ACL (Access Control List)
• Flexible workflows based on customer requirements
• Word-like editing interface with the option to set view modes (PDF vs. Editor/Editor/PDF/XML/EPUB)
• Support both InDesign and LaTex engine
• Collaborative editing
• Support copyediting features
• Author can access files via deep link
• In-built mechanism to capture image metadata
• Provide spell and grammar style check
• Provide a single source with multiple output

• Multi-column support
• Track changes on/off feature
• Reference editing feature
• Built-in math editor
• MathML 3 Support
• Multiple Index types in XEditPro
• Citation auto linking and formatting
• Provide multiple flavors of PDF and XML
• Faster rendering of Print PDF, Web PDF, HTML, XML, EPUB, and Word at any stage
• Audit trail and role-based access
• Generates stitched PDF
• Generates multiple outputs with a single source


• Streamlines the publishing process
• Fosters a collaborative environment with structured authoring tools
• Saves cost by minimizing human intervention
• Ensures quality control and consistency
• Provides single-source input with multiple output solutions

XeditPro Case study
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