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    10 publishing trends to watch out for in 2018
    December 29, 2017

    With 2018 just around the corner, the industry is trying to predict what changes will come in the New Year. Publishers will continue to build on the past year’s momentum while returning to their roots, with an increased value placed on things like user experience and e-newsletters.

     Here are 10 of the many publishing trends that we are bound to see in 2018:

    1. Positioning Subscriptions

    This trend has already started this year, and experts estimate it will continue into 2018. Big publishers are focused on retention, which now gets more revenue from digital subscribers than print advertising revenue.

    2.  Video

    Video was big in 2017, and it will continue to be a large investment for publishers in 2018. And this trend will continue in 2018 and, it is predicted that by 2020, up to 80% of online content will be video. In 2018, publishers will take a more strategic approach to creating video content. Longer form, higher quality video will be essential to capture a reader’s attention as people become accustomed to watching more video for a longer period of time

    3.  Mobile All The Way

    Mobile devices usage will continue to grow even more next year. It is estimated that, in 2018, more than 50% of internet users will tap into their mobile devices to perform their day-to-day activities. Since smartphone technology is changing rapidly, becoming more and more available, there are high chances that any given member of your target audience has a smartphone.

    4.  Personalized Content

    The amount of digital content created, exchanged, and consumed is growing day by day across the world. Customized content is more likely to be consumed and shared, as readers respond better when they get unique value out of the brands they follow.

    5.  Rush to Audio

    After several years of focusing on a rush to video, many mainstream publishers have now begun to realize that there could be significant revenue generated via a technology that many had written off just a few years ago. Podcasts were everywhere in 2017 and with connected smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home doing brisk business in 2017, with the Apple HomePod to follow, there are even more devices for consumers to listen in.

    6.  Augmented Reality

    Many mainstream publishers are starting to looking at how its undoubted potential for immersive experiences can be harnessed from a creative storytelling perspective. Augmented reality opens up a world of new possibilities for both large and independent publishers to tell stories and engage new audiences.

    7.  The Bots are Coming

    Artificial Intelligence is continuing to feature highly on the list of forward-thinking publishers. Much of the discussion around AI has focused on how it can be used to create content. Utilizing AI to deliver more meaningful analytics can help automate repetitive tasks for publishers like social media distribution.

    8.  Hybrid Digital-Print Content

    Books will have a digital element—links to supplemental video content, subscription-based email content, access to discussion and fan forums, etc. those who gained audience and influence in the digital space turn to print as a way to not only monetize content, but build credibility and authenticity.

    9.  Blockchain

    Blockchain could have a significant influence on publishers. The technology that powers Bitcoin has the potential to transform many other industries. In publishing, it could impact sales, rights, contracts, and more. It is a business model that mainstream publishers might begin to explore.

    10.  Automation for the Win

    The publishing sector isn’t just digitizing – it’s automating. Automation aids in generating content as well as disseminating the same to readers. The automation of publishing results in a fusion of human and machine processes. This is an approach that could be taken by the publishing industry as a whole.

    The world of digital publishing is continuously evolving, and the industry is always looking for the next new development that will help grow the audience, engagement, and ultimately increase sales. It’s essential to learn how to work with the challenges and opportunities that come with these changes and help create the changes you’d like to see. 




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